Tips On Contacting Own Insurance After Accident

Each holder of an auto insurance policy has signed a contract with the company that has issued that same policy. According to the terms of that contract, the policyholder must report involvement of the insured vehicle in any accident.

Each of the same policyholders has a choice of 2 options, when it has come time to submit such a report.

Some policyholders have opted for submitting word of the on-road incident to their insurance agent. Personal Injury Lawyer in Hamilton knows that others have chosen to submit the same type of information to the insurance company’s claims department.

Rights given to company that has received the reported facts, regarding an on-road incident

1. Right of subrogation: Demand that any payment that has been made by a person or institution to a policyholder, in order to aid recovery of the policyholder’s losses, be given the status of a lien. Furthermore, all the lien holders must be reimbursed.

2. Right to possession of the policyholder’s medical and work records, following receipt of word that the insured vehicle was involved in an accident. The insurance adjuster needs detailed information on the extent of the losses that have been sustained by the driver and other occupants of the insured vehicle.

The right to possession of medical records pertains only to the information that is related to the most recently reported accident. In other words, facts on injuries that the insured driver or any occupants sustained during earlier accidents do not have to be shared with the insurer.

3. Right to expect the policyholder’s cooperation during the investigation of the reported incident. As part of that cooperation, policyholders are expected to keep the insurance updated on each visit by the driver or any occupant of the damaged vehicle to the office of a medical provider. In addition, updates should be given on each of the visits to a medical facility, one that is supposed to help with diagnosis or treatment of any reported injuries.

4. Right to inspection of the insured vehicle. That same set-of-wheels has been involved in an accident, and needs to be inspected. The adjuster inspecting the nature and extent of any damage hopes to gain some insight into the manner by which the 2 or more vehicles managed to collide with one another. That collision had triggered the policyholder’s submission of the reported information, regarding an on-road incident.

During that same inspection, the adjuster might also take photographs of the damaged area. Those could be used to supplement any photographs that were taken at the site of the collision.

How soon after the accident should the insurance company be contacted?

It is best to contact them as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to fill your obligation.