Factors That Affect Value of Personal Injury Case

The amount of damage done to your body and to your property by a given accident affects the value of your personal injury claim. You will base your case on the evidence that supports your claim. Hence those factors that contribute to the value of what you have claimed affect the value of your personal injury case.

What have you claimed about the severity of your injuries?

There is a direct correlation between the severity of your injuries and the amount of money that you will get charged, in order to cover your medical expenses. Your medical expenses belong on a list of your damages. Like damage to property, the values associated with harm done to the human body reflect the amount of effort that must be extended in order to correct such harm.

If you need surgery, then that showcases the severity of any harm done to your body. If you need therapy, you may not have a dramatic demonstration of how severely you have been harmed. Still, if you need such therapy for a long time, then that, too, adds to the amount of medical expenses that have been forced on you by a given accident.

What have insurers determined, with respect to who should be held liable for the accident that led to the filing of your personal injury case?

If you were found negligent, you will not have much of a case. Still, the fact that you failed to demonstrate negligence does not always increase your case’s value. It could be that no one has been held liable. It could be that, according to the legal system, the harm done to you resulted from an act of fate. You should keep that fact in mind, before you elect to sue anybody.

Were you able to return to work, following the accidental occurrence?

If you could not work, you had no income, and yet you got expected to cover damages. The legal system recognizes the unfairness of that situation. Consequently, your claim will get valued more, if it includes evidence that you could no longer handle your on-the-job responsibilities. Lost earning capacity would belong on a list of significant damages.

For how many days, weeks or months did you have to take off from work?

As the time that you spend recovering increases, the worth of your claim also increases. You might pay for housekeeping help or for home care. You might become extremely depressed and need counseling. Those expenses fall under the heading of pain and suffering. A Personal Injury Lawyer in Brantford that is representing the case’s worth increases when an injured victim endures a great deal of pain and suffering. Yet no one dreams about making money by getting hit with such damages.