Determining The Compensation For A Pedestrian Accident In Ontario

Pedestrian accidents in the province of Ontario are particularly damaging. This stems from the fact that the pedestrian is absolutely exposed and he has no protection which is capable of neglecting some of the damage. This is why he is going to suffer the full extent of damages. However, it’s also worth noting that the last pedestrian accident report in 2013 showed that there were a total of 350 such accidents within the territory of Ontario and some of them even resulted in death.

Determining the compensation which is due for a pedestrian accident in Ontario is absolutely individualized for any given case. With this in mind, the severity of the injuries, and other different facts, are going to determine the overall compensation. The insurance regime of Ontario is going to provide the pedestrian with accident benefits which are going to compensate the medical expenses, rehabilitation and other treatments which the patient has had to go through. Keep in mind that similar situations are also incredibly stressful. This is why pain and suffering damages should also be considered as an option. There are a few different factors which are going to determine the overall amount of the compensation, so let’s go ahead and take a quick look at them.

Severity of the injuries

Of course, this is usually the most important factor. The more severe the damages are, the larger the compensation is going to be – that’s something that you should be familiar with. The logic is simple – complicated injuries require complicated and extensive medical treatment.


Even though in the majority of cases the one who’s liable is the driver, in certain situations pedestrians could also be deemed to be liable for the accident. IF that’s the case, the damages and the compensation are going to be reduced accordingly.

Incurred losses

These are the direct damages which are definitely incredibly important. If you’ve been involved in an accident and you’ve had to incur certain financial losses, you are entitled to recover them. The most common example is when you get admitted in the hospital and the bills start to pile on right away. This is something which is going to get covered by the compensation amount under your insurance policy. However, with thousands of claims being filed every day, many of them are denied on different grounds. That is why it becomes important to be able to find a lawyer that has a high success rate in helping clients get the claims processed. Trying to do it on your own doesn’t help.

As you can see, there are quite a few different things which are going to determine the amount of the compensation. Pedestrian accidents are traumatic and particularly damaging and that’s why you can rest assured that you would get the best legal representation, if you go ahead and hire a personal injury lawyer with the necessary experience.