Which Causes More Deaths – Distracted Driving or Impaired Driving?

Those that keep records about car accidents have noted an alarming increase in the frequency with which such collisions can be linked to distracted driving deaths. There has been no such increase in the number of collisions linked to impaired driving deaths. For that reason, law enforcement officers have begun to crackdown on drivers that use one hand to operate a distraction, such as a cell phone.

How to make changes and prevent unnecessary deaths

People have come to depend on their ready access to phones. Consequently, it makes no sense to consider trying to suggest that such a communication tool has no place in a car. It can be carried in an automobile, but does it have to be turned on?

As officers hand out tickets to those drivers that chose to focus on the phone, instead of the road, they have noticed an alarming attitude. Drivers seem to feel that it is possible to do two things at once. They give no thought to how their brains perform, when their eyes and hands are tackling two jobs at the same time.

In other words, it seems that anyone who cares about drivers’ safety should work to alter the prevailing attitude in society. It should not be wrong or impolite to turn off a device, while you are supposed to be concentrating on something else. Callers should not take offense at a message that asks them to wait, or call back later. Distracted driving is the cause of innumerable accidents, minor and major which can lead to plenty of injury claims over a period of time.

Help to assist drivers with realization of the facts

Drivers need to realize how distracting certain actions are. A driver’s safety does not increase if he or she throws the phone at someone else and asks that person to make a call. The driver’s attention gets diverted from the road. It focuses instead on what the other person needs to be doing.

A driver is no less distracted, if he or she has a hands-free device. The brain does not concentrate on the road, when it is listening to comments made by someone that can be heard by means of that same device. The brain’s messages get diverted, in the same way that a driver can get distracted.

Right now, too many people are thinking that their need rises to the level of an emergency. Consequently, those same people are placing calls to drivers with cell phones, devices that have not been turned off. We are not being fair to such a driver. However, it is essential to call in and consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Hamilton, if you are involved in such a case.