Who Might Be Held Responsible For Large Truck Accident?

It might seem like the truck’s driver should be held liable for an accident that involves that same driver’s vehicle. Yet not all truck drivers are private contractors. While a list of those drivers that are part of the trucking industry would include some of those that could be held responsible for any of the large truck accidents, such a list would never include all of the men and women that could be held liable. (more…)

What Damages Are Recoverable In A Personal Injury Claim?

When it comes to a personal injury claim, you want to make sure that you make not mistakes at any point. Your personal injury may have been caused by slipping on something on the grocery store floor over by the fruit section while you were just doing your grocery shopping. Or you could have been injured during an automobile accident. No matter what caused your personal injury, it is important that you do whatever you need to do in order to protect your case. A Personal Injury Lawyer in Hamilton will assist you every step of the way. (more…)

Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Case

A personal injury can occur at any time and sometimes through no fault of your own. In fact, there are multiple ways that you can suffer from a personal injury, or accidents as some people refer to them as. Many times, personal injuries result because someone was negligent in their actions. Examples of this is an automobile accident, a slip and fall accident on property other than your own, a product that you purchased, or a misdiagnosed injury or illness. There are a few mistakes that people can make that can ultimately harm their personal injury case. (more…)