Will Highway Traffic Act Reduce Motor Vehicle Accidents?

When it comes to personal injury law, it’s worth noting that the majority of the cases are going to come resulting from a motor vehicle accident. However, putting aside car accidents, motor bicycle accidents are certainly the next most common and dangerous type. The main reason for this is because they are going to leave the cyclist exposed as the only thing that’s going to provide some sort of protection is the specific gear that they have to wear. However, this is far from being enough and the results are often terrible. A wide range of the severe motor cycle accidents are going to result in death while even more are going to result in terrible mutilations, broken bonds, ripped tendons and other incredibly severe orthopedic injuries.

This is why they deserve a special place in the legislation of Ontario and that’s thoroughly taken into account by the enactment of the Highway Traffic Act. This piece of legislation sets forth the incredibly strict driving regulations that have to be considered every time you sit behind the wheel or you start operating a motor cycle.

Insurance Act of Ontario

However, the truth is that the majority of cases are going to be subjected to insurance claims as they are not going to get through the court room. This is mainly due to the fact that the Insurance Act of Ontario is pretty comprehensive and it has substantial amount of regulations which are going to be incredibly beneficial if you find yourself involved in a situation of the kind. For instance, the aforementioned piece of legislation sets forth the so called Rules of Fault Determination which have on particular rule that’s commonly referred to as “no fault” rule. This means that you would be compensated for your damages, regardless of the whether or not you are found at fault. The only significant influence that this is going to have is going to be in relation with your insurance policy. If you are found at fault you would have to pay higher amounts of monthly premiums as your risk factor is going to increase as a result of the accident.

Hire a personal injury lawyer

However, the truth is that the investigation is going to be carried out by the insurance company and you have to be incredibly vigilant in order to ensure that everything is kept in check. This is going to have a significant impact on the outcome as some insurance companies might prefer to skew the actual circumstances in their favor in order to ensure a more profitable outcome. This is why it might be a good idea to rely on the help of a professional attorney to navigate this particular process on your behalf and ensure a hassle-free situation. With plenty of trusted and experienced legal firms in Toronto, it will not be difficult to find a lawyer willing to represent your rights.