Warning Signs For Anyone Receiving Long Term Disability Payments

Normally, an insurance company does not cancel the sending out of any person’s long term disability payments without first issuing a warning. Of course, not everyone that benefits from such coverage knows how to watch for such a warning. Some of the men and women that enjoy such benefits do not even appreciate the significance of the two year mark.

After an insurance company agrees to pay long term disability benefits, it sends those payments out for two years. At the end of that time, it feels entitled to learn more about the exact condition of the person that has claimed to be disabled. Hence, it might send a letter, one that states clearly the company’s need for proof of the fact that it should continue to send regular payments.

Warning signs that such a letter might be coming in the near future

The insurer agrees to pay for vocational training. This offer gets made in hopes that the disabled employee can be taught a new skill. After having acquired that new skill, the same disabled employee would probably be able to handle a job that differs from the one that he or she had before. In light of that fact, the same employee would no longer need long term disability benefits.

The disabled worker gets a request for more documentation

This would indicate that the person that received such a request should get a lawyer. The time has come to create a paper trail. Arrangements must be made, for the disabled individual to meet with a doctor. Additionally, consulting the Personal Injury Lawyer in Brantford will help.

The former employee, the one that is now disabled gets asked to schedule a meeting with his or her employer.

The disabled worker has been going to rehabilitation and gets told something disquieting by someone at that same rehabilitation facility.

The person who has been present at all the rehabilitation sessions announces plans for getting the disabled patient back in shape. In further statements, the same person indicates that the rehabilitation facility has been asked to get that one patient ready to return to work. In such a situation, it would appear that the insurance company hopes to show that the once disabled worker can now handle an available job.

One problem with the existing system

The insurance company has chosen to focus on the movements that must be taken by the disabled worker, in order to perform a previous job. No effort gets made to determine how any body part might be placed in danger by that same movement. That problem could make it necessary for someone with a brain injury to keep working, even though one of the employee’s required and seemingly harmless actions endangers the brain.