Tips For Establishing Proof of Car Accident Claims

If you have been awarded benefit payments for an accidental injury, do not just sit-back and expect the money to come rolling in. The agency that has to deliver such payments has a legal right to seek answers to certain questions. Was the treatment that you received necessary? Were the charges for that same treatment reasonable? Your ability to answer such questions helps to prove the veracity of your claim.

The documents that you must produce, if you want payments to continue

1. You will need to collect those papers that prove that you were at the site that you say administered your treatment. At the same time, you ought to gather the paperwork that establishes the fact that you showed up for all of your scheduled doctor’s visits. If you have a copy of a doctor’s bill, arrange for it to be sent to the insurance adjuster for the party that has been deemed at-fault.
2. Get proof of the fact that the treatment or test was provided. Why do you need that, if you can show that you arrived on time at a designated location? The insurance for the opposing party wants to be sure that you did not sign some paper upon entering a waiting area, and then leave without getting tested or treated.
3. Obtain evidence that the care given to you contributed in some way to your diagnosis or treatment. If a series of procedures were part of the diagnostic strategy or the administered treatments, make that fact clear in the documents that you present.
4. Get a hold of those documents that list the actual cost for the services that you obtained. As mentioned above, those should go to the adjuster for the company that is working with the at-fault party. Additionally, you can let your Personal Injury Lawyer in Cambridge deal with the negotiations.

What to watch for, as you gather the various documents

1. The absence of any link between your injury and negligence on the part of the defendant. The tests and the doctor’s report should establish such a link.
2. A paper that indicates that you once requested reimbursement for an item that you had not mentioned in your claim.
3. A paper that states a charge for a treatment or a healing aid that did not contribute to your recovery from the accidental injury.
4. A document that contains information concerning a billed amount, one that falls well below the amount that was stated in your claim.
5. Any evidence that your injury was made-up, or that the treatment administered exceeded by far that amount that should have been necessary. Remember that you might have been placed under surveillance. Maybe you were seen doing things that you had told your doctor you could not do.