HowTo Claim Injuries In Public Transit Or A Bus Accident?

The first thing that needs to be set straight in order to claim injuries from an accident of the kind is the very definition of a public transportation. As per the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario, this is any service for which there is a fare charged to the public for transportation. This can include trains, subways and buses. In Ontario, public transportation is mainly used and popular in the city of Toronto where it comes with quite a lot of different advantages as it offers splendid services to a lot of the areas in the city. This allows the mass user to avoid the stress from having to drive in traffic jams and it eliminates the need to pay the particularly expensive parking fares at the same time. (more…)

In Pedestrian Accidents, How Is At-Faulty Party Determined?

As unfortunate as it can sound, pedestrian accidents are particularly common throughout the entire country of Canada. And, when a pedestrian is hit by a motor vehicle, regardless of its kind, the injuries are either particularly serious or even fatal. As it is with every single accident, the insurance company is going to determine the fault in the situation based on the actual circumstances and the collected facts as well as following the rules which navigate this particular process. This is something important and it needs to be taken into proper account. If the driver is found at fault, he needs to face the legislative consequences separated from the decision of the insurance company. This is why the way fault is determined legally is particularly important as well. (more…)

Is Patient Abandonment Covered Under Types of Medical Malpractice?

Now, when a doctor fails to end the relationship between the provider and the patient it could amount to significantly damaging medical malpractice. Patient abandonment is a particularly characteristic for of medical malpractice which takes place when a doctor terminates the relationship between him and his patient without any kind of reasonable excuse, if any is given at all. This is when he fails to provide the patient with a suitable and experienced replacement for his medical necessities. (more…)

What To Do After You File Your Insurance Claim?

Accidents are unfortunate and as much as we try to avoid them, they tend to happen. This is especially true for the province of Ontario and when it comes to car and motorcycle accidents. Luckily, not all of them end in serious damages and some of them are a matter of insurance. The majority of the vehicle owners and drivers are aware that they need to file an insurance claim but they have no idea what happens afterwards. This is the trigger of a complicated process which will definitely require quite some time and effort to settle down. So, let’s have a look. (more…)

Know About The Damages To Sue For In A Wrongful Death

There are a lot of injuries which could take place after an accident of any kind and unfortunately, in certain situations, said accident can even be lethal. If it has been caused negligently to the extent to which it’s not a crime, we will fall within the categorization of a wrongful death case. This is something particularly challenging to go through a trial for because it involves a tremendous amount of legal provisions. While it may look easy to get through a lawsuit for wrongful death on the surface, the truth is that it’s far from this. (more…)