Key Factors To Consider When Filing A Claim For Personal Injury

Now, if you’ve been injured in any kind of personal injury accident, your main focus should always be towards your quicker healing and recovery. However, months before you decide to file a lawsuit, you’ve been instituted in a hospital and you focus entirely on getting better. You start questioning yourself, however, that maybe it is getting too late to file. Is it really too late? (more…)

Reasons To Avoid Social Media If You Are Filing For Personal Injury

Back in September 2006, Facebook managed to launch and it became available to people who had already hit 13 years of age or more and had a valid email address. Needless to say, ever since then it has become the most influential networking company in the world, boasting a user base of 1.4 billion monthly active users. 59% of the population of our country is using Facebook and more than 30% of them use LinkedIn while about 25% of them use Twitter. 16% of Canadians use Instagram. It is quite obvious, as it is in a lot of other countries as well that we rely on social media a lot. This is what’s happening in most parts of the developed world as well – social media networks are thriving because they bring a tremendous amount of value for their users. (more…)

Know About Statute of Limitations For Wrongful Death In Ontario

If you’ve had to go through the misfortune of losing a loved one, especially due to the negligent actions of a third party, you might be legally entitled to get monetary compensation in a lawsuit for wrongful death. We are well aware that this is not something that you are probably going to want to be burdened with when it comes to it but it’s something that you want to handle as quickly as it’s possible as there are limitations when it comes to it. (more…)

Process of Filing A Claim Whiplash

The truth is that there is a wide range of different injuries which could actually take place as a consequence of a car accident. One of the most common is the whiplash. This is a soft-tissue injury of your neck which is going to take place when your head and your neck are actually jerked in one direction as well as in another in a motion which is whip-like. For example, when some other driver strikes you from behind, your body is going to start traveling forward before it manages to come to an abrupt stop which is going to whip your head as well as your neck in order to stop as well. With this in mind, you might understand that you are suffering from the whiplash as the symptoms include: (more…)