How Long Does It Take To Get a Verdict in A Personal Injury Claim?

If you got injured in a car accident or got injured due to the negligence of another individual, you have the right to be compensated. However, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. There is tons of paperwork, legal procedures and all of that requires the assistance or guidance from an experienced lawyer.

This is likely to be the most common question when it comes to a personal injury case and this is quite understandable. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of things that need to be considered when it comes to pushing a case of this type forward through the different authorities. The truth is that if you don’t manage to settle you claim with the insurer, you are likely to be in line for quite some time before getting to a verdict, let alone getting any kind of compensation at all. The reasons for this are different and versatile.

The first thing that needs to be said is that the court capacity of Ontario is just not enough. This goes for absolutely everything – there is not enough court space, clerks, judges and basically everything that’s needed to process your claim in a proper and timely manner. The truth is that you are likely to get a hearing set for a couple of years after you have filed your motion. That’s right, filing a claim today is going to get you heard in about two years – that’s how fast the legal system works.

There are, of course, some strictly subjective reasons for which you might experience delays. Unhealed injuries can’t be properly quantified because it’s impossible to determine the amount of expenses they are going to require. With this in mind, you might want to consider this particular fact prior to going south on why does it take so long to receive compensation because it’s not always a matter of procedures.

Furthermore, you would also need to consider that it’s in the best interest of the insurer to spread your claim and delay it in time for as long as it’s humanly possible. It’s absolutely nothing personal and you should keep this in mind. Insurance companies are about one thing – making money. That’s why they are in business for and that’s what they care the most. IF your insurer paid all of his claims he would have run out of business long time ago. The more they manage to reduce your claim or to delay it in time, the more money they are going to make and the larger profits they’d be capable of reporting to their shareholders. This is their intention and that’s what they are good at. They are going to use every trick in the book to delay the case and there’s nothing you can do about it but to fight it.

If you put your trust within the right personal injury lawyer, he might be able to get your case settled long before the time you’d have to wait for a verdict.