Are Broken Bones Due To A Serious Accident Covered Under Personal Injuries?

The unfortunate truth is that there are quite a lot of complications that a serious accident can lead to and broken bones are amongst them. These might require casting, physical therapy and even a surgery to get through. If a third party’s negligence has caused the accident in the first place, you should take advantage of the services of a personal injury lawyer in order to get the monetary compensation that you are legally entitled to. (more…)

Is An Insurance Investigation Conducted For Your Personal Injury Claim?

Now, even though the majority of the accidents and the personal injury claims that are deriving as a result are going to be a matter of insurance, and would never even reach the courtroom, it’s still important to understand that an investigation is going to be carried out. There are some things that have to be considered and even though Ontario is governed by the “no fault” rule pursuant to the Rules of Fault Determination in the Insurance Act, an investigation and assigning of fault would be carried out. However, it would be done by the insurance company. This is done so that it could be thoroughly reflected in the amounts of the monthly premiums. (more…)

Determining The Compensation For A Pedestrian Accident In Ontario

Pedestrian accidents in the province of Ontario are particularly damaging. This stems from the fact that the pedestrian is absolutely exposed and he has no protection which is capable of neglecting some of the damage. This is why he is going to suffer the full extent of damages. However, it’s also worth noting that the last pedestrian accident report in 2013 showed that there were a total of 350 such accidents within the territory of Ontario and some of them even resulted in death. (more…)

Do Accident Benefits Include Different Types of Insurance Claims?

There are quite a lot of different issues that may arise after an accident in relation to your health. For instance, you might be crippled for life or you might suffer from certain mental disorder. With this in mind, it’s important to understand that the personal injury law in Ontario is particularly extensive and it encompasses quite a lot of different scenarios. The different types of benefits are designated to reimburse different types of accidents and consequences but let’s take a look. (more…)

When Can You Start A Lawsuit In Ontario?

A civil lawsuit could be dully brought against a person, organization, government or business that has caused you to incur any sort of financial loss or injury. You have the right to sue which is also commonly referred to as litigation and it’s not affected or determined by whether the injury or the loss that you had to go through has been caused intentionally or not. In any case, you would want to file claims when the damages were caused intentionally as this is going to bolster the compensation which is something that you should definitely take advantage of. (more…)